Sanctions showing their ugly and anti-human face more than ever, Rouhani tells world leaders

March 14, 2020 - 22:4

TEHRAN — In a letter to number of world leaders on Saturday, President Hassan Rouhani of Iran said countering the coronavirus outbreak entails “regional and international coordination and cooperation”.

Rouhani said containing this “huge and dangerous crisis” is not possible by one country.

“The management of this huge and dangerous crisis is not possible by a single country, let alone a country (Iran) which is facing numerous problems in accessing international financial markets and providing its needed goods,” the president asserted.
The president said the U.S. sanctions on Iran and observance of these bans by certain countries is not only “illegal and in contravention of the (UN) Security Council Resolution it is also immoral and anti-human.”

Rouhani also said today it is necessary to counter the U.S. economic terrorism against Iran which is showing its “ugly and anti-human face” more than any other time.

Iran, which is under unprecedented sanctions in history, is facing a burgeoning rise in the number of people infected with the deadly coronavirus called Covid-19.

Iran is the most affected country in the Middle East.
In a regular news briefing on Saturday, Health Ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour said number of Iranians infected with the virus has reached 12,729.

The number shows that the Iranians infected by the virus now account for about 9 percent of the cases across the world.

Of this number, Jahanpour added, 611 patients have died and 4,339 recovered.

Saturday was the deadliest day since the virus was first diagnosed in Qom, a city 130 kilometers south of the capital Tehran.

In 24 hours, from Friday afternoon up to Saturday afternoon, 91 persons were added to the number of the dead.

Foreign Minister Zarif has called the U.S. ban on sale of medicine to Iran as an instance of “medical terrorism”.

In a letter to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres released on Thursday, Zarif said, “While the virus ravages our cities and towns, our population—unlike those of other countries affected—suffer under the most severe and indiscriminate campaign of economic terrorism in history, imposed illegally and extra-territorially by the Government of the United States since it reneged on its commitments under Security Council Resolution 2231 in May 2018.”


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